Kindergarten Registration graphic with kids

Marshfield Elementary Schools

Daniel Webster School
1456 Ocean Street


Eames Way School
165 Eames Way


Governor Winslow School
60 Regis Road


Martinson Elementary School
257 Forest Street


South River School
59 Hatch Street


If you do not know which elementary school your child will attend, please refer to the Elementary Street Listing.  

Click here for current school hours.


Children entering Kindergarten must be five (5) years old by August 31, 2025.

Please be sure to submit your child’s registration as soon as possible.

Step 1: Complete a registration packet (Click to download forms)
Click here for translated forms

  1. Student Registration Form

  2. Early Childhood Education Experience Survey

  3. Home Language Survey

  4. Student Health Inventory

  5. Transportation Application **

** Marshfield Public Schools offers a fee-based transportation program.  All K-12 students must complete a Transportation Application.  Students in grades K-6 who reside greater than two miles from their school are not subject to the transportation fee. Visit the District transportation page for additional information.

Step 2: Gather the necessary documentation

  1. Proof of residency (utility bill with name and address)

  2. A certified copy of the birth certificate (baptismal or hospital certificates not accepted)

  3. A dental examination document

  4. A physical examination within the past year, which includes a lead screening with the date and results of test, and a vision screening including stereopsis results.  Massachusetts General Law c.76, §§ 15 and 15C, requires school children be immunized against:

    1. Hepatitis B Vaccine ( 3 doses)

    2. Polio Vaccine (4) doses. Final dose of the series administered on or after 4th birthday and at least 6 months after the previous dose

    3. DTaP/DTP; (5) doses, 5th dose not necessary if 4th dose administered at age >4 years 

    4. Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine (2) doses

    5. Varivax Vaccine (chicken pox) (2) doses or physician documentation of illness

Step 3: Submit forms and documentation

(A) Upload documentation online:  Click HERE to upload forms and documentation.  

Please be sure to scan your documents and save in a PDF format.  Please do not take a photo, instead use a scanning application on your printer or cell phone.

Be sure to have all documentation ready before beginning to complete this form, as the form cannot be edited after submission. If you need to upload additional information at a later date, you will  need to contact your child's school directly.

(B)  Register in-person:  Bring your completed registration packet and supporting documentation to your child’s schools during school hours.  Registration deadline is February 28, 2025.

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to download and complete a registration packet in advance.  Forms can be completed electronically, printed and brought to the school with required supporting documentation.   Click HERE to download forms. Click HERE for translated forms.

If you do not know which elementary school your child will attend, please refer to the Elementary Street Listing.

Next Steps: Kindergarten Screenings are held in the spring at each elementary school.  Your school will contact you to arrange a screening appointment.