2023 MCAS Assessment for Grades 3, 4, & 5

Please keep these important dates in mind, as it is vital that all students are present on MCAS assessment days. Medical absences must be documented and supported with a doctor’s note. There is only a very small window of opportunity for make-up testing.

It is very important that students arrive at school on time.  Proper rest and a nutritional breakfast have also proven beneficial.  Please send a healthy snack to school with your child on test days.

English Language Arts
Grade 3: March 30th - March 31st
Grade 4: April 3rd & April 6th
Grade 5: April 11th & April 13th

Grade 5: May 4th - May 5th
Grade 4: May 8th - May 9th
Grade 3: May 11th - 12th

Grade 5: May 15th - May 16th

MCAS Schedule