All Families with students in Grades K-5, please join us (with your students) on
Monday, August 29, 2022, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Meet your new teacher(s)!
See your new classroom!
Drop off any school items (labeled) at your desk.
See old friends and meet new friends!
Greet your Principal and Assistant Principal
Greet your PTO Team, and just added—---
ENJOY A TREAT from the Slushie truck in front of the school courtesy of your PTO~
Get your treat BEFORE coming to the Meet & Greet OR after you visit at the Meet & Greet! NO slushies inside EWS please.
All students are to REMAIN WITH THEIR FAMILY AT ALL TIMES while inside the school.
Family Parking is allowed behind the school and in front of the school. Please do NOT park on our neighbors lawns or block their driveways. For this we thank you!
The EWS staff looks forward to this year’s “Meet and Greet,” and greeting old friends and meeting new ones!
Sincerely yours,
William J. Campia, Principal Jean Milch, Asst Principal