Starting today at FBMS we have late buses that run every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (except on half days), and Thursday. Late buses allow students to stay after school for enrichment and extra help when it is offered. These buses come to our school an hour after our normal dismissal to pick students up to take home. At 3:10PM we call students down to the lobby, and they get on the appropriate bus. There are two: one "South" and one "North." Each bus covers a specific geographical area of Marshfield and has limited stops. The buses depart here at 3:15PM.
Below are the bus stops for both North and South bus. With your home address in mind, please identify whether your child is a "South" or "North" bus rider so that he/she knows which bus to take. These are not the normal bus routes your child takes in the morning and afternoon to get to and from school, so your child needs to know how to walk home from the late bus stop.
Please know that we have other events here at school that sometimes run later than 3:30PM (such as drama) and require a parent ride.
The FBMS Leadership Team