All caregivers are invited to a special presentation on Monday, January 13th:
From Chaos to Calm: Supporting your student with Executive Functioning Challenges
When: Monday, January 13, 2025 at 6:30PM
Where: Seth Ventress Building, 76 South River St. (Next to Fire Station) on 2nd Floor
Presenter: Deb Booth from Pilgrim Area Collaborative
Register: Click HERE to register
Executive function is an umbrella term used to describe a set of cognitive processes necessary for emotional and behavioral control. In this workshop, participants will learn what executive functioning skills are and provide insight into their role in student learning and the impact difficulties in executive function (EF) skills have on school success. Oftentimes, students who appear “unmotivated” about schoolwork simply do not have the EF skills required to initiate, plan, organize and persist on school/homework tasks until completion. Parents and caregivers won't want to miss this interactive presentation that will help them gain a clearer picture of how to help their children become more successful and independent learners.
The last time this topic was presented it was a huge hit and all participants walked away with a toolbox for assisting their children and students. This presentation is something from which each of us can gain knowledge and ideas.
This will be presented by Deb Booth of PACES (Pilgrim Area Collaborative) and is brought to you by the Marshfield SEPAC (Special Education Parents Advisory Council).
Registration requested for materials planning - Link to Register: