MHS Adopts Vision of a Graduate
We recognize now, more than ever, that a student’s educational experience must not only provide for the acquisition of rigorous academic content - it must also intentionally foster critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and other 21st-century skills our young adults need to thrive in this complex, rapidly changing world.
We believe that school staff, caretakers, and our community are all vital partners in educating our students. As such, we engaged our school and community in developing our MHS Core Values and the MHS Vision of a Graduate (VOG), a collective vision that articulates the community’s aspirations for all students which helps drive student learning, professional practices, learning support, and the provision and allocation of learning resources.
Now that we have developed the VOG competencies, the exciting work of implementing this new vision begins! As a school community, we are committed to embedding these competencies into learning activities and experiences across disciplines by building our capacity to:
Consistently use the terminology of the core competencies to familiarize students with their importance
Ensure that lesson planning and assessments incorporate opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery of the core competencies
Provide opportunities for students to self-assess their progress in achieving the core competencies and reflect on the role they play in their education
This year, we will pilot the process of reporting student progress toward meeting the competencies outlined in the VOG. Each department will report on one VOG skill, as outlined here. This information will appear on the quarter two and quarter four report cards in the comments section. Students in grades 9-11 will be reported as “Progressing Toward” the standard or “Not Progressing” toward the standard. Students in grade 12 will be reported as either “Meeting” or “Not Meeting” the standard.
Last year, MHS adopted a community service requirement for graduation beginning with the class of 2024. Guidance counselors will report on student progress toward meeting the community service requirement at the end of the year for students in grades 9-11 and quarter 2 and quarter 4 for students in grade 12. For more information about the community service requirements, please contact your student's guidance counselor.
If you have any questions about your student’s progress, please contact their teachers directly.