I want to thank the MES PTO for providing me with a copy of "Trying" the MES' One Book One School read for the year. What an inspiring story, with a message that applies to every student and educator in the district: "When we make it safe to fail, we make it safe to succeed."

Yesterday was National Custodian Appreciation Day! We are so thankful for all of the custodians that keep the MPSD schools clean & safe. They are an integral part of our school community and we are so fortunate to have them on our team. #bettertogether @SeanCostelloMA

We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3yOktQ8
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3nVNlzs

Great to see the excitement around the grand re-opening of the Rams Den at MHS. Students from DECA & the Small Business Management Class were eager to fill me in on how things were going. BTW, the French-toast sticks were amazing. @mhsppal @BraitLara

Pictures from yesterday's hard fought soccer match between MHS Girls Soccer and Silver Lake. #bettertogether @GoRamsAthletics

Number corners and Bridges Math were on display across the DWS today during my visit. @DWSKids

Congrats to Erin Wiggin on being named Educator of the Week. Ms. Wiggin is our talented Special Education Dept. Chair at MHS and she plays an important role in the lives of the staff and students at MHS. She embodies "Every Student. Every Day. Whatever It Takes. TY Ms. Wiggin

The FBMS spent the day celebrating their One Book One School reads this year. It was wonderful to see the teamwork, collaboration and creative lessons that took place around the school all day. #ourdifferencesmakeusstronger #proudtobeFBMS @Braitlara @SeanCostelloMA @FBMSPpal

Just a reminder that there will be no Marshfield School Committee meeting tonight (9.27).

Special Education leaders from across the district come together to collaborate with each other and to hear the latest updates from DESE. #everystudenteveryday #bettertogether

SC members, Sean Costello & Lara Brait help recognize the Instructional Technology Team as this week's "Educators of the Week". Team members include (L-R) David Cawthorne, Chris Holl, Rodrigo Sa & Doug Hall. We are fortunate to have them on our team. #bettertogether

We're thrilled to announce the new app for
Marshfield Public Schools! It's everything Marshfield Public
Schools, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3yOktQ8
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3nVNlzs

Everywhere we turned this morning, during our visit to the MES, we saw students actively engaged in a variety of iReady Math activities.

Thank you to the Marshfield Police & Fire Departments for taking part in our "Welcome Back Wednesday" program across the district this morning. #bettertogether

The first day of school is all about those smiling faces as they start a new school year in Marshfield. #bettertogether

Exciting monring at MPSD welcoming back educators and introducing our new employees!

Principal Keuther greets four of the upcoming Freshman Home Room classes after they had a tour of the building with Juniors and Seniors from MHS. So excited to welcome our newest MHS students. @mhsppal @braitlara

A new Conference Calendar was just updated with a new date for Elementary Curriculum Night (10/19) and a slight adjustment to the alphabet indicators for November conferences at MHS and FBMS.

The MHS Marching Band getting some pre-season practice in, under the watchful eyes of Mr. Kaminski & Mr. Brenner. #bettertogether

The safety work in the front foyer of the SRS continues to move along.