Superintendent Sullivan had a wonderful Learning Walk and visit at Martinson Elementary School this week. Take a look for yourself! 📸👀💚 #WeRMarshfield
3 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
learning walk at MES
learning walk at MES
Last week was Go Gold Week! 💛🌟🤩 Students in every school had the opportunity to donate their spare change in the golden boot, to help give pediatric cancer the BOOT! On Friday, students and staff were encouraged to wear gold in support of everyone fighting pediatric cancer. 💛 #WeRMarshfield
3 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
Go Gold Week
Go Gold Week
Go Gold Week
Go Gold Week
MHS Student Council had a great time “Blasting into Leadership” at the SEMASC Fall conference hosted by Silver Lake Regional High School StuCo. 🚀🤩💥 They were able to meet with Student Leaders from across the south east region of MA to share ideas. Student Delegates also learned about leading with their actions and the importance of positivity from Evren Gunduz of “Enjoy Your Life.” 💚 #WeRMarshfield
3 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
student council at fall conference
Thank you to Principal Casey, ELA Coordinator Alberico, FBMS leadership team, staff, students, and the entire FBMS community for yesterday’s celebration of the themes of this year's summer reading. It was a great day of project-based learning, and the student voice was wonderful! 📕📗📘📙 #WeRMarshfield
3 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
Empowering Readers Celebration
Marshfield High School hosted a college fair yesterday. Students had the opportunity to visit multiple colleges and universities, talk to school representatives, and find out more about everything that’s available. There are a lot of excited students ready for their future success! 🤩💚👏 #WeRMarshfield
3 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
MHS college fair
MHS college fair
MHS college fair
Principals Baird and Casey welcomed MHS 1964 graduates to their buildings as part of their reunion weekend. It was incredibly powerful to consider the innumerable and vivid memories of so many Marshfield students who have graced the halls of this building over its history. Thank you all for sharing your stories and your laughs. We hope to see you all again for your 65th! #WeRMarshfield
3 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
MHS reunion
The Back-to-School picnic at Daniel Webster Elementary School was a success! 🧺🍎🍦🤩 #WeRMarshfield
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
DWS picnic
DWS picnic
Fifth graders at Governor Winslow School are excited to dive back into band lessons with Mr. Canzano! 🎶🎺🎻🎵 #WeRMarshfield
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
music class
Nicolas Roht, 9th grader at MHS, was selected and participated in Project 351’s 9.11 Tribute Service on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. 🇺🇸 #WeRMarshfield
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
Nicolas Roht, Project 351
Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed the Marshfield Community Rib Cook-Off organization. This wonderful (and delicious!) event benefits the McKinney-Vento work in our district. We are thankful for the great efforts and generosity of all who contributed! 💚👏 #WeRMarshfield
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
rib cook off
rib cook off
A Superintendent has many responsibilities—but Superintendent Sullivan knows connecting with students is an important and rewarding part of the job. He was able to greet many students on their first day of school! 👋💚🚌📚 #WeRMarshfield
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
superintendent greeting students
superintendent greeting students
superintendent greeting students
Yesterday was a busy first day for staff. Today, they’re off running! 🤩 #WeRMarshfield
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
student panel on stage
speakers on stage
teachers enjoying a treat break!
Thank you, Marshfield Facts, for hosting a beautiful candlelight vigil on International Overdose Awareness Day. And, thank you to everyone who came out to remember those who have passed from opioids. Their memories live on in all of us. 💜 #WeRMarshfield
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
candlelight vigil
candlelight vigil
We’re on a roll with those back-to-school vibes! Thank you to Ms. Cetner and Marshfield High School team for a wonderful New Student Orientation. It was great seeing such a great showing from our families. Go Rams! 🤩💚🐏👏
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
MHS orientation
Thank you to Ms. Baird and the South River Elementary team for hosting an excellent kindergarten play date! And thank you to all the students and families who came to this event. 😎🛝 See you all again SOON! #WeRMarshfield
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
kindergarten play date
The Kindergarten play date at Martinson Elementary has us excited to kick off the school year! ☀️🛝 Thanks to 5th grade helpers for their support at the playdate! 🙌 #WeRMarshfield
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
5th grade helpers
Superintendent Sullivan has been busy meeting students across MPSD! 👋💚🤩 #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
Superintendent meeting students
superintendent meeting students
You’re invited to Meet the Superintendent, Dr. Patrick Sullivan! 👋💚🐏 #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
meet the superintendent
We are thrilled to announce that Ms. Robyn Gay-Jennings has been appointed as the new Assistant Principal at Marshfield High School! 👋💚 #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
welcome image of Ms. Gay-Jennings
Thank you to Principal Bishop for hosting a delightful meet-and-greet lemonade stand for Eames Way Elementary students and families! It was a wonderful afternoon of community and conversation. Here’s to a fantastic school year ahead! 🍋🧊🥤😎 #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
Principal Bishop serving lemonade