Happy Administrative Professionals Day to the fabulous team members who help keep our schools humming along! We couldn't do what we do without ✨ YOU! ✨ #WeRMarshfield
4 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
Jill and Christina at GWS
On April 11th, the Marshfield learning community came together to celebrate the newest members of the Wall of Honor: ⭐️ Dr. Susan Dupuis ⭐️ Mr. Warren Searfoss ⭐️ Mr. Lou Silva Congratulations to these extraordinary inductees! πŸ’šπŸ‘ #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
wall of honor induction
wall of honor induction
Good evening FBMS Parents & Guardians, I hope this finds you enjoying a fun April vacation. I wanted to inform you that in the early morning hours of Wednesday, April 17, a hot water tank in a storage closet on the 1st floor (7th grade wing) at the FBMS sprung a leak and water dispersed into the hallway and some of the adjoining classrooms. Fortunately, no other sections of the FBMS were impacted. Upon arriving that morning, the custodial team came upon the scene and began immediate cleanup of the water. By 10:30 AM, the standing water in the hallways and the floors of the classrooms impacted by the spill had been cleaned up. In addition, our maintenance team contacted ServiceMaster South Shore, an organization that has specialized in flood restoration services around the South Shore for 50 years, and they were on site by 11:00 AM and began the next phase of clean up. This consisted of setting up numerous fans and dehumidifiers in the areas impacted by the water damage. Their efforts were focused on continued drying of the floors, and any drywall, insulation or woodwork damaged by the water. They identified the moisture levels in the impacted spaces and made plans to remove and replace any and all areas that remained wet. The machinery used by ServiceMaster, which was up and running by 1:00 PM on Wednesday, has been running straight through and will continue through the weekend. Throughout the day, ServiceMaster has been removing sections of damaged drywall in the rooms and halls to further expedite the drying process in the impacted areas. Once verified dry, the plan will then be to install new drywall and insulation in those areas over the weekend. The final painting of those walls may not take place until later next week, but the main goal is to ensure all impacted areas are dry and that the new drywall and insulation can be put back in place as quickly and safely as possible. The plan is to have all impacted rooms ready to go for students and staff on Monday. All plans for work will be reviewed by the Marshfield Building Inspector, the Marshfield Director of Public Health and we have consulted with the Marshfield Fire Department as well. In addition, I wanted to assure you that this work is covered fully by the school/town insurance. Thankfully, this event took place over vacation and did not disrupt students and staff while school was in session. Please know that the only reason I did not share this information on Wednesday or earlier today is because I wanted to make sure we had firm plans in place in preparation for Monday. I did not want to send out partial information early on, just to change things as we got more information. The primary goal was to get rid of the water and damaged sections of drywall, and the custodians and the team from ServiceMaster have done just that. Now we have a plan for replacement already underway and we can more firmly say what we are able to do to prepare for Monday. I want to take a moment to thank the FBMS Senior Custodian, Mr. Mike Gerroir and his custodial team, who worked tirelessly to ensure quick removal of the water on Wednesday morning. Some members of the team came back from vacation to assist in the cleanup. Their quick action helped prevent additional damage in the impacted areas. Mr. Russell and Mr. Bullock, from the Facilities & Maintenance department, have been working around the clock as well to ensure we have the support needed to complete the work. We will have a better idea of the scope of remaining work sometime later tomorrow and we will provide an update at that point. The classrooms impacted by water on their floors were Rooms 100, 104, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 123, and 125, as well as a small office (rm 118). I apologize for the long note, but I wanted to share as much as we had at this time. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Have a good evening. Sincerely, Jeffrey W. Granatino Superintendent
4 months ago, Granatino Jeff
Check out this month’s incredible art display at the main office, thanks to Ms. Almeida and some of Marshfield High School’s ceramic and photography students. πŸ’šπŸ“Έ 🀩#WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
art display
ThinkFirst Boston is an education initiative through Boston Children's hospital providing education to students on injury prevention and FREE bike helmets to every student at Daniel Webster School. 🚲 Special shout-out to school nurse, Kim Campbell and administrative staff at DWS for helping coordinate this amazing event last week! πŸ‘ #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
students with bicycle helmets
Fourth graders at Eames Way Elementary had a β€œball” creating Rube Goldberg machines using the skills and properties of energy they’ve learned this semester. Future engineers in the making! πŸ€”πŸ’­πŸ™Œ #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
4th graders making Rube Goldberg contraptions
4th graders making Rube Goldberg contraptions
4th graders making Rube Goldberg contraptions
ChessMates is a Marshfield Education Foundation grant-driven program which pairs up high school students with middle school students once a month with the focus of learning and playing the game of chess. β™ŸοΈπŸ’š #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
ChessMates partners playing a game
Did you catch a glimpse of the Solar Eclipse today? Many of us across MPSD were fortunate to have a stellar, safe, and memorable viewing experience β€” as well as cool learning opportunities in the classroom! πŸ˜ŽπŸŒ”πŸŒ“πŸŒ’πŸŒ‘ #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
Solar Eclipse!
Solar Eclipse!
Solar Eclipse!
Solar Eclipse!
Dear MPSD Families, As many of you may be aware, a total solar eclipse will be visible on Monday, April 8, 2024. The eclipse is forecasted to begin in our area at approximately 2:16 PM and will last about two and a half hours until 4:39 PM. The guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) promotes us notifying students that they should not look directly at the solar eclipse without eye protection. We will be informing students of this guidance at all our schools on the morning of the eclipse and I’m sure many of you have already provided that guidance to your children. In addition, regulation safety glasses will be provided for all elementary students as our elementary schools will still be in session during the eclipse and some classes will be going outside to view the eclipse. The solar eclipse will be taking place when the MHS and FBMS days have ended, or in the process of dismissal, but we will still advise those students on the dangers of viewing the eclipse without proper eye protection on their way home. No outdoor sports, per the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Sports Medicine Committee guidance, will take place during the eclipse timeframe. As previously noted, some elementary students will be viewing the eclipse in a supervised manner with regulation safety glasses. In addition, the FBMS Science Department will be supervising an observation of the eclipse as well after school. Those schools, and the FBMS Science Department, have already communicated out to their families and have provided them an opportunity to opt out of the events if they wanted. Thank you and we hope you are able to enjoy this special event. Sincerely, Jeffrey W. Granatino Superintendent
5 months ago, Granatino Jeff
There’s no place like the school library. πŸ˜ŒπŸ“š It’s National School Librarian Day! We are fortunate to have some of the best in MPSD. πŸ‘ #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
FBMS librarian
We were delighted to have former EWS Alumni and Project 351 Ambassador Nicolas Roht return to Eames Way on Monday to present his Spring Service Project: a clothing drive for Cradles to Crayons! Together with other schools in the district, EWS will be collecting clothes that will be donated to help children suffering from clothing insecurity. Project 351 is a non-profit youth-led organization that engages one eighth grader from all 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts to lead community service projects. Nicolas was selected as the 8th grade 2024 Project 351 ambassador for Marshfield and we are so grateful to have him as a student role model in our community! πŸ’šπŸ€— #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
EWS Alumni and Project 351 Ambassador Nicolas Roht presenting spring service project
EWS Alumni and Project 351 Ambassador Nicolas Roht presenting spring service project
EWS Alumni and Project 351 Ambassador Nicolas Roht presenting spring service project
On Monday, March 18th, the Marshfield High School Choirs combined for their 10th annual National Anthem performance at a Boston Celtics game! πŸ€πŸŽΆ Our choirs sang for a sold out crowd at the TD Garden of over 19,000! What an amazing experience for our young performers. Congratulations to MHS Choirs! πŸ€©πŸ’šπŸ‘ #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
MHS choirs at Celtics game
The first week of April marks National Assistant Principals week β€” and here at MPSD, we are fortunate to have so many amazing leaders. They pour into our communities each and every day, helping ensure our schools are amazing places to learn, work, and grow. πŸ‘πŸ’šπŸ“Έ Pictured: Mrs. Milch (GWS) and Mr. McNulty (EWS) #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
Mrs. Milch
Mr. McNulty
Third grade students at Governor Winslow Elementary recently enjoyed presenting their biography projects. Their characters came to life, and we learned many amazing facts about important historical figures. βœοΈπŸ“œ #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
students in biography costumes
Yes, you’re looking at 4 clarinets and 5 saxophones, for a total of 9 beginner woodwind players in a single group! 🀩🎢🎷 This is Mr. Canzano's largest beginner lesson group of the week (of any school). These students are excellent listeners, always on task, and are learning how to play their instrument and read music! Kudos to the MES Clarinet/Saxophone group! πŸ’šπŸ‘ #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
music students at MES
Eames Way Elementary celebrated Irish culture last week with their very talented 4th grade Irish step dancer! Big sister and EWS alum provided the tunes, and their mom rounded out the trio with an amazing presentation. It was our lucky day to be treated to such a fun experience! πŸ€πŸ€© #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
Irish step dance presentation
Thanks to Furnace Brook Middle School students for the beautiful new art display! 🀩 #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
art display case
Retired Principal Sara Prouty returned to the classroom to give Ms. Santoro's grade 3 class at Martinson Elementary School a presentation on Antarctica and penguins. The students felt like they were right there with the ice and birds! 🐧 #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
penguin presentation
penguin presentation
penguin presentation
A few weeks ago, Superintendent Granatino went on a lunch tour at all seven MPSD schools, getting the opportunity to help serve lunch at each location! 🍎πŸ₯’πŸ₯¨πŸ§€πŸ‡ #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
superintendent Granatino serving lunch
superintendent Granatino serving lunch
superintendent Granatino serving lunch
Kindergarten students at Martinson Elementary School recently got to meet Lindsay Cadigan, author of Betty the Confetti Yeti. We appreciated hearing her stories and experience! βœοΈπŸ“š #WeRMarshfield
5 months ago, Marshfield Public Schools
Author visit
Author visit